Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What does your juice do for you?

Happy Hump day!!!

I'm still feeling sluggish and I can feel the beginning effects of a cold coming on. I usually get sick in the summer which is weird but it's also when I am my busiest so there may be a connection there. It feels like I have a headache (I never get headaches), my throat hurts a bit, and I am pretty fatigued. I hope I can beat it with some good nutrition and herbs. I'm going to pick up some ginger and take some of my astragalus drops. Who likes to be sick when the sun in shining, not me!!!

My body must have known it was facing an invasion because I was craving a vegetable juice with some key power players. I made a celery, carrot, beet, and beet greens juice. Wish I had some ginger but it was still awesome.

I LOVE this color. My favorite color is pretty close to this (it's peach)

The swiss chard and kale forest are going to get you Muh Ha Ha

After making this juice I was curious as to what it was actually doing for my body. Yes, nerd alert, but don't you want to know too? I thought so! Here's a little breakdown:


Vitamin C- perfect to aid the immune system

Phthalides-cholesterol lowering

Coumarins - cancer prevention

Vitamin K - blood clot formation, makes essential bone proteins

Potassium - maintains a healty nervous system, maintain normal brain function, and promotes normal muscle growth!

A natural Diuretic

Contains calcium


Source of antioxidents

Richest vegetable source of pro-vitamin A carotenes - protects vision

falcarinol - reduces risks of cancer

Rich in vitamins B, C, D, Eich in potassium

Excellent source of potassium, copper, folic acid, and magnesium


Their color comes from the pigment betacyanin which is a powerful cancer fighter

Rich in B vitamin folate- essential for normal tissue growth

High in vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, and C

Excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and sodium

Beet Greens

Higher iron content than spinach

Contain calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus

Good source of Vitamin A, B-complex, C, and K

Can your store bought juice compare? I think not. Ditch the overly sweetened fruit juices or those fruit/veggie combos and make a healthy juice at home! You don't need an expensive juicer, heck, you can even make the juice in your blender. Oh and PS...they are way more delicious when you make them yourself too:)

Have an awesome rest of your day! I was going to go pick some blueberries but I think I'm going to take a nap instead. Oh well, rest is good!



evergreen said...

So sorry to hear you might be coming down with something. It's good you are getting rest and enjoying some yummy juice. I love seeing the benefits in all those healthy veggies:) Feel better soon!

ac said...

OOOOOOH my. Being sick is a bit of a handicap, so I hope you're feeling better soon, lovely girl. :-) If colours and nutrition are supposed to make you feel better, then you and your lovely juice must already be en route to a swift recovery :-)

It's funny that I was just thinking about juice the other day. I'm actually not a fan (I'd rather eat my fibre, and I hate cleaning juicers), but if I was a genie and could get juice in a snap, then my favourite combo EVARR is carrot + spinach + parsley. Love in a sippy cup. <3

xoxo Aletheia

kelli said...

keep drinking those juices and you'll feel better in no time!=)


Nelly said...

you're not alone in the world little nerd...i am just as much a nerd as you...

it's so exciting to look into what the health benefits are of everything that we consume, no?

hope you feel better my girl!!!

have a beautiful long weekend...


shesarunner said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you are feeling sick! Try to get some rest and I hope you feel better soon. And drink lots of juice- fresh juices are so healing and I find them soothing! I don't have a juicer and I actually haven't tried the blender method. I buy fresh juice from the juice bar but it is so expensive so I don't do it that often.
Anyway, I hope you feel much better xoxo

Melissa said...

Hey Evergreen - Thank you my dear. I hope I can nip it in the bud soon enough!!

Hey Aletheia - Thank you for the kind words!! I hear ya about the clean up of the juicer. I force myself to do it right away so that it doesn't get all stuck on there!It gives me the shivers to think about what it would be like if I left it for even an hour:) Still its quite the chore!

Hey Kelli - Thanks hun!!! Will do!

Hey Nelly - Thank you for making feeling normal in this nerdy world LOL!! Oh man..I get so excited to learn about everything and what it is doing in my body. Sometimes I daydream and think of all my happy cells:) seriously,I do HAHA! Have a great long weekend. I'm working the monday so that I get the next monday off so that's okay. Plus I have the lab all to myself:)

Hey Lauren - Thank you my dear!! I hope this vacates me soon! I don't know what it is but I love to buy juice at a juice bar..it feels so fancy to me LOL! Hope you are doing well and I need to catch up in your life!! I'm so behind:)
I need to try that juice combo..sounds delish!

Lori- what runs lori said...

I LOVE juice. Freshly juiced juice. Thanks for all the great info and great ideas for simple juices! Sometimes they're fantastic, sometimes not so much. I will definitely be trying yours!

HiHoRosie said...

Oh sorry to hear you're sick! Hope you heal up quick! And with that pretty juice you should! Good stuff in there. :) Take care my friend!

bitt said...

green juice packs a powerful punch. get well soon!