Thursday, January 13, 2011


Happy Thursday all!!

We had a little bit of a snow storm yesterday and because I work in the boonies, I got the day off:)

I was on my way to work, well the hubby was chauffeuring me because he has 4X4, and I got the text to stay home. So, he dropped me off at home...but no snow day for him. Sucker..Just kidding:)

The beautiful white stuff!! Unfortunately it's already raining so everything has turned to!

Anywho, I've been meaning to share with you something interesting astrology that was in the local paper awhile ago. I don't believe everything about astrology but sometimes it's eerily accurate. Have you ever looked up your birthday in the big birthday book? My boss brought this book in one day and it was pretty crazy how accurate some of the characteristics/stats/dates were to my life. If you are ever in Indigo or Chapters be sure to check it out. Good  fun!

The paper covered predictions for each sign in 2011. Me, I'm a Pisces!!

I like reading what astrologers have to say about my sign. It was good entertainment!!

Then I saw my so-called mantra for 2011 and I couldn't agree more!!

This is especially true come September because.....


I'm officially going back to school in September to start my schooling to become a naturopath!! I was a bundle of nerves from the beginning of the week because I knew the call would be coming. I had just finished's hit your but workout and so I was high on endorphins when my phone rang. I don't know if my heart has beat that fast EVER...well maybe on my wedding day..but this time I didn't know what would happen lol!

When Mark, BINM's director of admissions, actually said the words "welcome aboard", time stopped for that split second. I had made it, my dream was going to come true. I choked back my happy tears while the details were laid out for me, all the while pinching myself to ensure I hadn't passed out and was dreaming (bodyrock has that potential). Once I was off the phone with Mark, I did a major happy dance with lots of happy tears. I immediately called the special people in my life, changed my status to Dr. M, and then began to clean the house.
Ha! I couldn't sit still!!

Thank you all for being so supportive! I feel so blessed.
 Even though I haven't met you in person, you all have given me so much strength and courage. Seriously!
I can't wait to take you along on this new, crazy exciting part of my life!!

Cheers to a great start to 2011!!!
Yep, I had mimosas on a Wednesday night!! Hear me roar:)


Laury @The FitnessDish said...


SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! I knew you would do it, girl!!!

Woot Woot!

I used to be real into astrology and my horoscope (I'm a Leo). My brother had this crazy astrology book that lined up all your stars and mapped out your life. LOL. Mine was eerie.

Thanks so much for your awesome comment on the Healthy Eating Series!

kelli said...

woohoo! so happy for you!!!

big hugs!


HiHoRosie said...

WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO! CONGRATS! We knew you could do it! That's so great, I'm so incredibly happy for you!

Melissa said...

Thank You Bitt, Laury, Kelli, and Heidi!!!! It's a very exciting time!!

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful!! Congratulations!!! So happy for you :-)

I'm an Aries, would love to read that book!! I don't believe in daily horoscopes, but I do believe people carry a LOT of the traits of their sign!

Congrats again!
Torri x0

Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun said...


And the signs thing is always good entertainment

(what runs) Lori said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOW EXCITING! CONGRATS!!! (that totally deserved the all caps writing)

I'm so excited for you! You are going to be AMAZING! Can't wait to follow you're journey!!!

And, I am not happy about the sign changing... at all. lol

Maggie said...

YAY!!! I'm so happy for you! Congrats sweetie :)