Friday, February 18, 2011

Why you should bathe in salt!

Oh baby should you ever bath in salt. But hold it right there! Don't start pouring your precious truffle salt or Himalayan salt into your bath water. For once there is a cheaper option available!

I'm talking about MgS04, magnesium sulfate, or best known as, Epsom Salt! The name came from the town of Epsom in Surrey, England where the salt was distilled from springs.

So let's break it down and see why Epsom salt is pure amazing-ness!


1. An electrolyte, helping to ensure proper muscle, nerve, and enzyme function
2. Needed for the proper use of calcium in our cells
3. Lowers blood pressure
4. Protects the elasticity of the blood vessels
It is heart month after all:)

5. Increases the effectiveness of insulin
6. Reduces inflammation and relieves pain


1. Needed for the formation of brain tissues, joint proteins, and mucin proteins that are lining the digestive tract
2. Stimulate the pancreas to generate digestive enzymes
3. Helps to detoxify the body's residue of medicines and environmental contaminants

Here I thought these salts were only for sore muscles!


Magnesium can be absorbed through the digestive tract but many foods, drugs, and medical conditions can interfere with it's effectiveness. The best method of delivery has been found to be through soaking in water. Here's a great excuse to take a bath!

Sulfates have a similar problem, they do not absorb well from our diet. Yet, a highly effective method of delivery is through the skin.

Uses and Applications

Relaxing Bath - Draw a bath and add in 2 cups of epsom salts. Enjoy!

Foot Soak - A great way to soothe sore feet, get rid of odor, and soften the skin. Get a good size bucket that will fit your tender tootsies, add in 1/2 cup epsom salts and maybe some of your favorite essential oils.

Splinter Removal- Soak in an epsom salt bath and it will draw out the splinter.

Skin Exfoliator - Massage a handful of epsom salt over the entire body and then take a bath or shower to rinse.

Plant Love - As we are entering spring, epsom salts even has some uses in the garden. It produces more flowers and chlorophyll. It also helps seeds germinate faster. I'm going to try this and report back to you!

I picked up some epsom salt this past weekend and I'm going to use it tonight after my workout!
Have you tried epsom salt before? Have I convinced you to take a good soak in the tub?

Have an awesome weekend everyone! I'm off for a run and then I'm going to try Zuzana's exercise challenges. Then I'm taking a bath!!
I'm also going to the big Wellness show downtown too which will be a ton of fun. I'm excited to talk to the reps of my favorite products!

Lots of love, Melissa!!

Epsom Salt Council


Maggie said...

This a great post Melissa :) I adore epsom salts and bathe with it quite often. I usually buy the plain inexpensive brand and sometimes mix it in with Dr.Teals brands, like Eucalyptus and Spearmint. Just to make the Dr.Teal's stuff last longer heehee :)

My grandpa was a physiotherapist before and during WW2 and he used it all the time with his patients he was that has got to say something. He always recommended it's healing powers :)

I've never tried using it with my plants though! I'll have to give it a try too! I have some lovely flowers that I wouldn't mind seeing sooner and more of :)

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried epsom salts but clearly i should give them a go :-)

bitt said...

I love epsom salt baths. Great for sore muscles. THanks for the reminder.

Laury @The FitnessDish said...

Ahhhh...the good old Epson Salt :-)

I remember soaking in this stuff as a kid whenever I had this, that or the other thing skin related. I would not soak in the tub I have now, but hopefully in the future we will have a more "soak friendly' tub. It is SO wonderful for you, huh?? Thanks for posting all these wonderful benefits!!!

have a great night!

Stephanie said...

I've never tried them! Thanks for this post! Love the information!

HiHoRosie said...

I haven't had an epsom salt bath at least not in recent memory but thanks for this well written post. I've some epsom here I'll have to try it soon.

Melissa said...

Hey Maggie - That is so amazing about your grandpa!! Love hearing stories like that.

Antony - You definitely should!! They are awesome!

Hey Bitt - You are very welcome!

Hey Laury - I hear you about soak-friendly tubs! You could even just soak your feet in a bucket?

Hey Stephanie - You are welcome. Let me know what you think if you try them.

Hey Heidi - You will love it!! Enjoy!

Melissa said...

Hey Maggie - That is so amazing about your grandpa!! Love hearing stories like that.

Antony - You definitely should!! They are awesome!

Hey Bitt - You are very welcome!

Hey Laury - I hear you about soak-friendly tubs! You could even just soak your feet in a bucket?

Hey Stephanie - You are welcome. Let me know what you think if you try them.

Hey Heidi - You will love it!! Enjoy!

health ecology said...

Another informative blog… Thank you for sharing it… Best of luck for further endeavor too.